Plenty happens, but generally a more quiet day - The Monday page. MONDAY 8/5/17 PROGRAMME view below / smartphone download HERE.
VIEW - MONDAY's WORKING PROGRAMME - [ or Download: to view on mobile phone, print etc click HERE. ]
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Mon has: Summarising workshops - seated lunch - Oversley Wood's bluebells pic below Do participate with us ! - A wonderful, special day with a relaxed chat over lunch.. Take advantage of Monday as the BEST quiet day to really get to know Nel and her dances. SAMPLE WHAT WE DO - lots of varied dancing, handbells, walking & more.
Monday 8th May PLAN IT - LOOK AHEAD NOW - Take a break with us.
Why this working Monday in May? 1) Specialist dancing for YOU.
2) Space to enjoy the Hall.
3) A pleasant meal. of YOUR choice. And chat time over lunch too.
4) Bluebells in 2010 '11 & 2013 - were hardly open for our event. (Nonetheless, Oversley Wood was unforgettably enchanting. A "carpet of white" with its spectacular wood anemonies.) The outstandingly beautiful bluebell spectacle and scent WAS there for 2012, 2014 &'15 - A lovely April wildflower show. Partake in May this year, to look forward to a fully open bluebell spectacle. A Spring experience not to miss. ==
It would be good to see more people enjoying Monday with our smaller group of dancers and walkers.