You're at webpage to READ FULL SUMMARISING NOTES about the last weekend in April - 2020's Great Alne Long Weekend. 1) On Smartphone -download HERE, then enlarge your download. or View Below 2) On home screens, laptops, large devices, read on this page & enlarge YOUR VIEW. 3) To print a HARDCOPY. Download at HERE above. Print in Landscape on A4. (If you ALIGN, then print AGAIN on the "back" in Landscape A4, this cuts to give 2 double sided A5 fliers.)
Folk activities are more fun if more join in ! DO let your friends know what happens at "Great Alne Long Weekend". Bring others to spread the joy of dancing, song and music NB There have been CHANGES SINCE THE COMPILATION OF THIS [after initial requests in April 2019]. ALL changes are at TOP of p2: BRIAN STANTON WILL be calling : on FRIDAY evening, with an early contra workshop & some contras ! VIEW BELOW and above download DETAILS WERE CORRECTED & UPDATED - 15th May.
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(Sorry - NOT smartphones) A view only shows here on larger screens eg of laptops. Download to view on your smartphone, or print. SEE thus: If no view on your device, see them at Download HERE above. When updated, you might kindly print some of these onto A4. Download at the HERE above. Print onto the front, then put these through the printer again, printing onto the back. Next cut into two A5 fliers which should then each be printed front and back. To kindly distribute a few in your local area - That is most especially helpful, and appreciated