Will you kindly let your friends know what happens at Great Alne each year - where we endeavour to bring together folk dancers of different traditions.
THIS COMING weekend's varied activities are now best summarised here.
also here on general fliers. Friends in the Netherlands may like to use these fliers. Please let others know what we do in the white, raftered hall of this lovely Warwickshire village.
It would be nice if you tell other dancers about our many kinds of dance to sample. It would be especially helpful if you could kindly - Print, duplicate, cut and distribute just a few of these fliers for us. Spread news to bring others to enjoy our long weekend of dancing, music & song. To help give the next generation an early interest in varied forms of dance - These fliers mention our preferential rates for students.
Geoff Cubitt is a Contra Dance caller with astounding memory for dance moves - and with a wonderful tolerance and warmth towards his dancers. If you enjoy contras, and would like to promote and publicise Geoff's dance and workshop - Here are fliers addressed to Contra Dancers.
There has been Late Extra Sunday French with Pete Grassby as a frequent feature. Sessions of Set Bourées -with Julian Stanley have been a feature for several years. But for 2013 we're again delighted to have - John Garner to brilliantly lead 2hrs ofFrench Dance in "Le Petit Bal" on Sunday afternoon. So here are some fliers especially to inform others at the French Dance Sessions!
There are always at Great Alne, a good number dancers who delight in Scottish Dance. In 2012, we were privileged to have a Nicola Scott Scottish Evening. Unfortunately, a Birmingham RSCDS event frequently coincides with our Saturday evening at Gt Alne. However, here are fliers addressed especially to Scottish dancers. We hope some who enjoy Scottish may sample other types of Dance, and enjoy Nicola's early Monday workshop.